All wooden framed vans leak and rot

SAM_0930It is a continual argument about what if the best material to build a caravan out of, specifically the frame. Many will tell you that wood frames are old technology and that all of them will rot at some point of their lives.

This is simply not true and any van, regardless of the type of frame it has, if not properly manufactured may leak and cause serious damage to the van’s structure.

I have seen pictures of composite van panels where the foam insulation has absorbed moisture from a leak and caused severe damage to the walls of the van.

Talk to the owners of an Evernew caravan and they will tell you, even though they have wooden frames, they do not leak and they do not rot. This is because they have been properly manufactured from the outset using quality materials and skilled workmanship.

Roadstar are another manufacturer with an enviable reputation for superior build quality, even though they still use wooden frames. Part of their ‘secret’ is the quality of the sealant they use on all the joints of their vans. They have an impressive video on their website demonstrating how good this sealant is.

I highly recommend prospective buyers check out these manufacturers and perhaps talk to industry experts in order to be fully informed about what is available out there.

Wooden frames don’t cause leaks. Poor build quality does.