Sharron’s Smokey Chorizo Fettuccini

This one comes from our dear friend Sharron Mullins who is travelling around the country with her husband, Kevin.  She has become the master of inexpensive food on the road and this is her favourite fast meal.  Thanks Shazbot for sharing it with us...!


  1. 1 x Smokey chorizo  sausage 
  2. 2 x Rashers of bacon
  3. 3 x Large handfuls spinach 
  4. Black olives
  5. Small salad tomatoes 
  6. Danish fetta
  7. Grated Parmesan 
  8. Fettucini pasta 

Cut tomatoes in 1/2 and season and cook on high in oven till well cooked. 

Cut up bacon and chorizo and fry while tomatoes are cooking. 

When cooked to your taste remove and start cooking pasta. 

When the pasta is cooked, drain and drizzle oil to separate pasta. 

Put meat back on heat the add spinach and stir till wilted. 

Put pasta on plate  add chorizo mix, olives, fetta and tomato and freshly grated Parmesan to taste. 

Serve with red wine and enjoy...!!

Catching up with Shaz and Kev at Orbost, Victoria.




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